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This is to certify that, I, a volunteer of AWWA Ltd., understand that any information (written, verbal or other form) obtained during the performance of my duties must remain confidential. This includes all information about members, clients, families, employees and other associate organisations, as well as any other information otherwise marked or known to be confidential.

I understand that AWWA has a legal and ethical responsibility to safeguard the confidentiality of all clients, volunteers and employees. As a volunteer of AWWA, at times my work may bring me in contact with sensitive and personal information about clients. I understand that such information must be maintained in the strictest confidence.

As a condition of my volunteer service with AWWA Ltd., I hereby agree not to discuss nor release confidential information outside of the premises of AWWA and any and all information regarding a client will be considered “confidential”. I understand that any unauthorized release or carelessness in the handling of this confidential information is considered a breach of the duty to maintain confidentiality.

I further understand that any breach of the duty to maintain confidentially could be grounds for immediate dismissal and’ or possible liability in any legal actions arising from such breach.

I have read and agree to uphold the Pledge of Confidentiality- For Volunteer’s agreement.


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Registered: 4 June 2016 - 3 June 2022

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